美索不达米亚(两河流域)不像埃及,它很少由一位国王统治,Nor did any single empire survive long within firm frontiers.
Many tribes and many kings held power at different times.
The most important of these were the Sumerians, the Babylonians and the Assyrians.
For a long time it was thought that the Egyptians were the first people to have everything that goes to make up what we call a culture:
towns and tradesmen, noblemen and kings, temples and priests, administrators and artists, writing and technical skills.
Yet now we know that, in some respects, the Sumerians were ahead of the Egyptians.
Excavations of rubble mounds on plains near the Persian Gulf have revealed that the people living there had already learnt how to shape bricks from clay and build houses and temples by 3,100 BC.
Deep inside one of the largest of these mounds were found the ruins of the city of Ur where, so the Bible tells us, Abraham was born.