Just as there is no place where you can find the edge of the universe, so there is no placewhere you can stand at the center and say: "This is where it all began. This is the centermostpoint of it all." We are all at the center of it all. Actually, we don't know that for sure; we can'tprove it mathematically. Scientists just assume that we can't really be the center of theuniverse—think what that would imply—but that the phenomenon must be the same for allobservers in all places. Still, we don't actually know.
For us, the universe goes only as far as light has traveled in the billions of years since theuniverse was formed. This visible universe—the universe we know and can talk about—is amillion million million million (that's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) miles across. Butaccording to most theories the universe at large—the meta-universe, as it is sometimes called—is vastly roomier still. According to Rees, the number of light-years to the edge of this larger,unseen universe would be written not "with ten zeroes, not even with a hundred, but withmillions." In short, there's more space than you can imagine already without going to thetrouble of trying to envision some additional beyond.
据我们所知,自形成以来,宇宙只发展到光走了几十亿年那么远的距离。这个可见的宇宙--这个我们知道而且在谈论的宇宙--的直径是1.5亿亿亿(即1 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000)公里。但是,根据大多数理论,整个宇宙--有时候称之为超宇宙--还要宽敞得多。根据里斯的说法,到这个更大的、看不见的宇宙边缘的光年数,不是"用10个0,也不是用100个0,而是用几百万个0"来表示。简而言之,现有的空间比你想像的还要大,你不必再去想像空间外面还有空间。