W: Hello again, Stuart.
What can I do for you?
M: Are you free for lunch today?
W: Yes, I think so.What time?
M: One o'clock?
W: OK.
M: Lacy's, in Maston Street.Do you know where it is?
W: No.
M: Well, you take a 47 bus from the office, get off at Grange Square, cross the road, turn left, take the first on your right, and Lacy's is a few yards down the road on your left, opposite a church.You can't miss it.
W: But I won't be coming from the office.I've got a meeting at a town hall.I'll be coming straight from there.
M: OK.Then get a No.17.Get off in front of the cathedral, walk through the park, then go along the canal to the five and over the first bridge and you'll come out opposite Maston Street.Lacy's is down at the other end on the right.You can't miss it.
W: No, I bet.Did you say one o'clock?
M: Yes.Is that OK?
W: No, on second thoughts, can we make it a bit earlier?Say a quarter to?
M: Quarter to one , OK.
W: All right.See you then.Nancy's, in Caxton Street, right?
M: No!