D: Do you mean whether I like them?
Y: I mean are you obsessed? Do you spend hourson the Internet trying to find out what their favoritenail polish color is and whether they believe inhypnosis?
D: I'm fond of The BeeGees, but I don't think they wear nail polish and I could care less whatthey think about hypnosis.
Y: Okay, do you believe in a just world, that life is fair?
D: I can't pick up a newspaper without reading evidence that life is not only unfair, but oftencruel.
Y: Good. What I mean is that psychologists have found that people who believe in a justworld are more likely to worship celebrities, whereas people more critical of society are lesslikely to obsess over a celebrity. People who strongly believe in a just world believe that life isfair, that good things happen to good people and bad things to bad people. People who believein a just world are expressing acceptance of society and its institutions. Since the celebritysystem is one of these institutions researchers suggest that it makes sense that those believingin a just world would be satisfied with how celebrities are made and thus more likely to admireand even obsess over them. Vice versa, people who do not believe in a fair world might resistworshipping celebrities, and in fact question or criticize the system that produces them anddecides who gets to be a celebrity.
D: Don't get me started.
celebrity n. 名声; 名人
obsessed adj. 心神不宁的
nail polish 指甲油
hypnosis n. 催眠
a just world 世界是公平的
evidence n. 证据
psychologist n. 心理学者
worship v. 崇拜, 尊敬
institution n. 制度
vice versa a. 反过来的(也是一样的)
Y: Don,你对名人的态度是什么样的?
D: 你是说我是否喜欢名人?
Y: 我是说你是否会心神不宁?你会在网上花很多时间来寻找名人们最爱得指甲油颜色以及名人们是否相信催眠吗?
D: 我很喜欢The BeeGees,但是我认为他们会用指甲油,而且我也不怎么关心他们对催眠怎么想。
Y: 你相信生活是平等的吗?
D: 我拿起报纸时难免会读到生活不仅是不公平的,而且通常很残酷
Y: 好的,我的意思是心理学家已经发现相信世界公平的人们更有可能崇拜名人,人们越谴责社会他们崇拜名人的可能性越小。坚信世界公平的人们会相信生活是平等的,好人会有好报,坏人会受到惩罚。相信世界公平的人们表现更容易接受社会并接受制度。因为名人体系是制度研究者们建议的那种体系,它会使相信世界公平的人们对名人的产生很满意,从而更有可能羡慕并对他们着迷。反过来的(也是一样的),不相信世界公平得人们可能会抵制崇拜名人,会责问并谴责造就名人和决定谁将成为名人的系统
D: 别从我这儿开始。