Following more than five-thousand people for tenyears, the study observed how loneliness canspread through a group. Lonely people, it seems,transmit their sad, lonely feelings to people aroundthem. What happens, according to the study, is thatinteracting with a lonely person can leave you witha negative feeling toward friendship generally. Andso you’re more likely to have negative experienceswith other friends, weakening social bonds. Ifloneliness is allowed to spread unchecked, it candestroy a social network. The best way to wardoff this sort of lonely contagion is to pay more attention to people on the edges of a group.Reaching out to those who are shy or don’t fit in, and are therefore lonely, can make them feelless alone. And so they’re less likely to spread lonely feelings throughout the group.
observe v. 观察
transmit v. 传播
interact v.交流,交往
unchecked adj.未受制止的
ward off 避开; 挡住
contagion n.传染
fit in 融入(群体)