Running shoes are carefully designed to cushionyour feet and provide arch support and paddingand all that stuff. Run without shoes and you’ll tearup your foot on rocks and pebbles. But studies haveshown that running shoes can do more harm thangood. When you run wearing shoes, you tend to landon your heels. Somehow, that’s what most runningshoes make us do. But run barefoot, and you’llnaturally land on the balls of your feet. Striking theground this way is less forceful than landing on yourheel. So it’s likely that running barefoot may reduceinjuries to the knee and lower back.
cushion v. 缓冲
arch support 置于足穹部的鞋衬
padding n.衬垫
tear up 撕破;撕碎
barefoot adj. 赤脚的