But although it happens passively, arm swingingplays an important role in making your stridemore efficient. It does this by counterbalancingyour torso and hips and keeping them from twistingand bobbing too much. Holding your arms stillagainst your sides while walking requires twelvepercent more energy than if your arms are allowed toswing naturally. Forcing your arms to swing in syncwith the leg on the same side of your body uses awhopping twenty-six percent more energy thannormal walking. Even when walkers had their armsstrapped to their sides, so no muscle control was required to keep them still, they used sevenpercent more energy than when their arms could swing freely. This suggests that armswinging is not just a passive byproduct of walking, but actually makes walking easier.
plays an important role in 在……起重要作用 counterbalance v. 使平衡; 抵消 whopping adj. 巨大的strap vt.(用带子)捆扎 byproduct n. 副产品