In the same way, in business, you always try to make a profit and avoid loss, but sometimes,bad financial decisions or a sudden downturn in the economy can flood you with payments due,reduce your profits, and make you feel like you are drowning in debt. At such times, you mightsay that financially, you are struggling to keep your head above water. You are still not totallydesperate, meaning you are not in such a bad situation that you will immediately becomebankrupt, but you don't know how long you can continue to stay afloat.
1. to be a cut above... 指比某些人或事物好的多,也就是「较佳」、「略胜一筹」的意思。
例句:I thought I was a cut above the other kids.
2. to be head and shoulders above 指比背景相似的人或事物来的好,也就是「超越」的意思。
例句:As far as she was concerned, her husbandstood head and shoulders above any other man.
3. to stick your head above the parapet 是勇敢说出有可能恼毛他人的諫言,也就是「仗义执言」的意思。
例句:Kearton was one of the very few to put his head above the corporate parapet and speakhis mind in public.