Amanda:No way, they're so outdated now. I'mlistening to a parody of them, by Weird Al Yankovic.It's called "The eBay Song" and it makes fun of "IWant it That Way." It's hilarious.
阿曼达:不是,他们现在已经过时了。我听的是威尔德-艾尔-扬科威克恶搞他们的歌曲。它被称为“eBay之歌”,恶搞的是后街男孩的“I Want it That Way”这首歌。真地很好笑。
Mike:Their music would be a lot better with thewords changed. Let me hear the lyrics of thechorus...that is funny! He sings "what I bought on eBay" in place of "I want it that way."
麦克:歌词改一下,他们的歌会好听很多。让我听听这首恶搞的歌词。哈哈,真地很有趣!他唱的是“What Ibought on eBay”。
Amanda:I love how he changes the words of really sappy songs and turns them into somethingcompletely off the wall.
Mike:Parodies are great. I also like parody movies, like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."
Amanda:I think that one's a little crude, but it's certainly creative. Blood makes mesqueamish even though it is so fake looking and the violence is done by a killer rabbit of allthings!
Mike:Well, you'd hate some of the newest parody movies then if you can't take violence.There have been some great ones making fun of horror movies.
Amanda:If I can appreciate the genius that goes into the plot and the witty lines, I mightbe able to overlook the gore.