The cat probably gave you a good four or fiveswats before letting go. From a human point of viewthis looks like great fun—a real rough-and-tumble kind of game. But where does it come from?
Before giving an answer, let's think for a second about the kind of thing we can learn evenfrom so commonplace an event. Housepets are not toys; although they are domesticated and,in the instance of cats, much smaller than their wild counterparts, it's a mistake to regard themas fundamentally different from wild animals. They share millions of years of evolutionaryhistory, and their behaviors--even playful ones--are in many cases behavior that was veryuseful in the wild.
So, think again about that front-claw grab connected with a back-claw kick that your catdoes from time to time. You may see it in a new light when you realize that the cat is executinga very effective device for killing prey or enemies: hold the other animal's stomach in placewhile you disembowel it.
Of course, that doesn't mean your cat is really trying to hurt you; but it does show us thatplayful behavior in animals --and, oftentimes, in humans--is not simply nonsense. In manycases it is a practice run for learning more useful skills--even deadly ones.