At least that's usually the way it goes. In mostshowdowns between spiders and flies, the oddsweigh heavily in the spider's favor. Today, however,we'll look at a few species of fly that manage to turnthe tables on their eight legged foes.
When many spiders capture a fly, they don't eat it right away. Instead, they poison the flyand wrap it in silk. They leave this silk-wrapped package for later consumption, just the way youstore food in your pantry instead of eating it all right there at the supermarket.
Imagine yourself as a fly passing a web full of these wrapped-up dead flies. You mightimagine you'd be frightened by the spectacle of your comrades, wrapped up like so manyHostess Twinkies. Not so for the Microphorus crassipes. This fly species sees a spider's larderas a golden opportunity. Indeed, it gets most of its food by stealing these silk-wrappedpackages--very carefully of course--from spiders.
假想自己是一只苍蝇,正飞过挂满这种死苍蝇包裹的蛛网。你也许会被同伴们壮烈的惨象吓到。但是对Microphorus crassipes而言,却并不会如此。这种苍蝇视蜘蛛的储物柜为绝好的机会。确实,它通过偷取这些包裹来获取大部分食物,当然它也会十分小心地提防蜘蛛。
Another type of fly found worldwide, called Robber Flies, take this thieving concept onestep further. Instead of just stealing the spider's food, certain robber flies go after the spideritself. Robber flies have been seen snatching a spider off of the ground, carrying it away, andeating it.
Even worse news for spiders: There's a whole family of flies--the Small Headed flies--whoselarvae actually develop inside a spider's body. These fly larvae burrow into a passing spider,then proceed to eat the spider from the inside out. Spider or fly, fly or spider. Betting on thespider isn't always a sure thing.