Yael: Well Don, I suppose there's no one solution,but things like hybrid cars can make a difference.And scientists are busy developing biofuels thatcould reduce our use of gasoline derived from oil.And then there are crops...
Don: You mean crops and plants that absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
Yael: That, but also crops like corn and wheat with leaves that reflect sunlight back intospace. Scientists have used computer models to show that in major croplands in the UnitedStates and in Europe, planting crops with waxier leaves reflects more sunlight. In fact,switching to these crops could lower temperatures by about a degree during the summer.
Don: So are farmers switching to these plants?
Yael: Not yet, because right now they exist only as experiments. But with selective breedingand maybe genetic engineering it would be pretty simple to end up with seeds that produceplants with waxier and more reflective leaves.
Don: Cool. But there's only so much cropland on the planet? How would more reflective cropshelp stop global warming?
Yael: It wouldn't, at least not globally. But in places where there's lots of wheat, corn andother crops, waxier leaves could make a regional difference.
Don: I guess that's something.