The first major gun control act was passed by Congress in 1934, regulating the sale of fully—automatic fire arms, like machine guns, after an assassination attempt on President-electFranklin Roosevelt and a series of organized crime killings. In 1938, a further restrictionrequired licenses for gun dealers, and prohibited gun sales to people who had committed aviolent felony.
The 1963 assassination of President John Kennedy — which was committed with a mail—order rifle — and the subsequent assassinations of Martin Luther King and Senator RobertKenndey in 1968, led Congress to pass additional legislation. The Gun Control Act of 1968added many restrictions on who could import, buy, and sell guns, and established harsherpenalties for those using a gun in the commission of a federal crime. The debate on guncontrol remains an intense one across the country today — making this a particularly difficultissue to tackle.