很难想起因有人揭发政府的失误而改变历史轨迹的事件。例如,Daniel Ellsburg 向纽约时报泄露了五角大楼在越战时期的秘密历史,加速毁灭了公众对战争的幻想。
FBI official Mark Felt, known to the world as DeepThroat, helped bring down the Nixon administration after the Watergate scandal. Most“whistleblowers,” though, never get much fame or public notice. As a result, they're vulnerableto being fired or silenced.
以“深喉”闻名于世的联邦调查局的官员 Mark Felt 在水门事件后,帮助扳倒了尼克松政府。然而大多数的“弊端揭发人”却从未得到应有的名声或引起公众的注意。因而,他们很容易遭到解雇或被迫保持沉默。
As far back as 1912, Congress recognized that in our democracy, public knowledge ofgovernment wrongdoing—or waste—is vital to society's welfare. Its broadest protection forwhistleblowers came in the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 and the 1989 WhistleblowerProtection Act, which guard most federal employees who step forward from retaliation for theiractions. These laws aren't perfect, but they've helped ordinary Americans serve their fellowcitizens.
Whistleblowers have disclosed a cover-up of airplane near-misses at Dallas-Fort Worth airport,revealed toxic emissions by Federal Prison Industries, and laid bare repeated violations ofnuclear safety laws at a plant in Ohio—misdeeds we might never have known about, were it notfor the protection Congress gave them.