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    In 1971, the President's Council on EnvironmentalQuality issued a report titled “Toxic Substances”. Itpointed to a sharp increase in the amount ofpotentially-dangerous chemicals entering theenvironment — from manufacturing andprocesssing — and a lack of government controls. YetCongressional action would take some time.


    The House and Senate each passed bills the next year to control toxic substances. But finalaction was delayed — by controversies over the scope of chemical screening and the costs ofimplementation. Proposed legislation required significant new regulation of the chemicalindustry —so, its main provisions would be hotly-debated for the next several years, by all theinterested parties.


    As the debate continued, several highly-publicized incidents of environmental contaminationoccurred, and scientific knowledge helped to clarify the threat of PCBs to waterways and theimpact of chlorofluorocarbon emissions on ozone depletion.


    More exact cost-estimates also helped to clear the final passage of the Toxic Substances ControlAct, which was signed into law by President Ford on October 11, 1976. This act enabled the EPAto create a list of all chemicals used in manufacturing. The first version of this list — complied in1979 — listed over 55,000 chemicals used in commerce. Today, that list of chemicals isestimated to be approaching 1 million.


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