People who know our daughter tell us how wonderfulshe is because she is not pregnant or doing drugs.But we feed her, clothe her, pay for her car, gas, etc. Lately, she has had boyfriend problems.How can we get her to grow up without being the bad guys?
She does not know how to cook or take care of herself, so we are reluctant to simply throw herout. But we want her to do things other people her age do. Any advice? — Clueless in California
Dear Clueless: If you are concerned that your daughter doesn't have sufficient life skills tomanage on her own, then teach her. Put her in charge of cooking dinner one night a week. Tellher she will need a part-time job to pay for room and board. Then help her look for her ownapartment. While she is in school, you may wish to subsidize her rent, but living independentlywill help her mature.