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    Cats And strings


    Most cats and kittens love to play with string, but ifa feline begins to swallow string, it could become adeadly game. If you're a cat owner, you might havewitnessed a bizarre fact about cat behavior: once acat begins eating a bit of string, it continuesswallowing it until it has swallowed the entire string,even though it would be safer and simpler if the catcoughed it up.


    Veterinary scientists aren't completely certain why this happens, but they know it has to dowith the swallowing mechanism in the cat’s throat and esophagus. For cats, swallowing is anautomatic response to having food or other substances in their mouths. A reflex in the front ofthe mouth pushes food to the back of the throat.


    Once the nerve endings in the back of the throat get stimulated, they automatically causethe cat to swallow, sending the substance down the esophagus. When a bit of stringreaches the back of the throat, the cat has no control over this swallowing mechanism, andthe string continues to make its way down the one-way street of the cat's esophagus. Whilethis reflex may help a cat hold onto struggling prey in the wild, it can cause the cat harm ifwhat's in its mouth isn't food.


    Swallowed string can get lodged in the cat's intestines and cause severe vomiting, appetiteloss, rapid dehydration, and listlessness. If one end of the string is caught around a cat'stongue, it is very important that the cat's owner never try to pull the string up through thecat's mouth. Doing this might cause the string to cut open the intestines and possibly kill thecat. Instead, your vet can decide if surgery is needed to remove the string.


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