Their mission: to drive across the country.
This transcontinental convoy dealt with all the poor driving conditions of the time....incomplete or non-existent roads of dirt or sand, unsturdy bridges, and treacherousconditions from bad weather.
They arrived in San Francisco 62 days later, averaging a cross-country speed of 5 miles an hour.
One volunteer observer on the arduous journey was a 29 year-old soldier named DwightEisenhower.
这趟艰辛旅途的自愿观察者是一个叫Dwight Eisenhower的29岁士兵。
Twenty years later, the Bureau of Public Roads had identified to Congress the need for anational road system to improve connections between cities and states.
After World War II, Congress was able to fully address this massive undertaking. There weremany concerns: states wanted assurance that the government would pay its fair share ofconstruction costs.
Rural residents thought the new highways might limit access to small communities.
In 1953, Dwight Eisenhower became President. Three years later, with construction andfinancing approved, the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 was signed into law.
1953年,Dwight Eisenhower当选为总统。三年之后随着建设和融资的批准,1956年的《联邦助建高速公路法》法案签署成为法律。
Creating over 35,000 miles of roadway, the Interstate Highway System was completed in1975.