第六节 安瓜拉瓜拉
A politician was out on the Indian reservationdisplaying his sympathy for the oppressed NativeAmericans. He addressed a gathering of the people.
The plight of your tribe has always been close to my heart," said the politician.
"Umgwalagwala , "responded the audience enthusiastically.
I shan' t rest until greater efforts are made on your behalf.
"Umgwalagwala," they responded more loudly.
"And I personally guarantee that you will all be accorded full and equal civil rights."
"Umgwalagwala," shouted the tribe.
The politician was pleased with his reception and asked for a tour of the reservation. Soon,he and his guide were standing next to a fenced enclosure.
"And what is this used for?" asked the orator.
"oh, this empty now, but before we keep bulls in here. "
"I see," said the visitor, and was planning to enter the enclosure.
"Hey,you better not go in there,You likely step in a lot of umgwalagwala."
1.Indian reservation 印第安居留地
例句:With dangerously cold temperatures predictedfor Saturday night, the search is widened for 2 youngbrothers missing from the Red Lake IndianReservation.
2.Native Americans 美洲原住民
例句:Historians estimate that over 80% of all Native Americans died from diseases soon afterfirst contact.
3.civil rights 公民权利
例句:The civil rights bill carried by a large majority.
4.planning to 打算;计划
例句:Father vetoed our plan to buy a new car.