"For the last time, I don't want any insurance ! "said the harassed householder to the salesman
"Just a moment, sir. Please consider this :Just lastmonth I sold a policy to a man much like yourself.
The very next day his house caught fire. The house was completely gutted.
To save himself, he had to leap from an upstairs window; he landed on his own car, wentthrough the roof, broke both his legs and an arm.
""Well, he was one of the lucky ones, wasn't he?"
1.insurance 保险;保险业
例句:They keep back &20 a month from mysalary for National Insurance.
2.leap from 跳;飞跃
例句:It is a big leap in the process of cognition.
3.catch fire 失火;着火
例句:The dry grass catch fire, but we beat it out.
4.landed on 落地;跌落在
例句:He landed on a flat rock that jutted above the surface of the water.