She just mixes together self raising flour,salt,margarine and some water.
Some ladies might get it wrong and think,"Oh, my God, that's gone wrong."
Yeah? It hasn't.
All you have to do is just common sense, get a little bit more...Mmh-mmh. And bring it in.
用点常识 多加点面粉就好了 洒进来
And when you're using your hands now, just like pastry, see, but you don't mould so hardbecause you want some air to get into it and lift it.And that's all it is.
用手和面 就像和点心的面团 但是不要太用力 因为要让空气进入面团里面 才会发起来 就这么简单
So simple and yet so powerful in a Caribbean household.
See? See the loaf? Yeah. Yeah. I see the loaf, yeah. Yeah. That's it.
看到这面团了吗 看到了 这就足够了
It's a Jamaican dumpling. Yes!
These dumplings are Johnny cakes or, journey dumplings.
这种饼被称为强尼饼 别名旅途饼
And they mustn't cook too quick because if they're too quick, they're not cooked inside. Yeah.
要慢慢炸 否则里面可能不熟
They came from the plantation days when the worker's wives would make filling, long lastingfood for their husband's journey to work.
这道料理起源于种植园时期 工人们的妻子会做 这种保存比较久的食物可以让丈夫在工作旅途中食用
Love in a pot! Love in a pot!
Dumplings are philosophy and pot love, that's it.
Is it all ready? Can we eat?
好了吗 可以吃了吗
Now we can get ready to eat. Great.So shall we? Yeah! Gentlemen, after you. Thank you.
可以开吃了 绅士们先请
That's it. The food is nearly ready and Connie's daughter Charlotte is helping set up the feast.
食物已经做好了 科尼的女儿夏洛特帮我们摆盘子
What a birthday meal.It may not be traditional to us, but in Connie's family it doesn't get anybetter than this.
好丰盛的生日宴 可能对我们来说挺陌生 但是在科尼家这是再好不过的食物了
Piping hot Saturday soup...And curried mutton served with Johnny cakes and Jamaican rice,cooked in coconut milk with kidney beans.
周六汤 绵羊肉咖喱 还有强尼饼 牙买加米饭 使用椰奶还有菜豆一起煮的哦
And, right on cue, some of the family have turned up to share one of the best takeaways we'veever tasted.