As authorities work to avert a disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the situation there is prompting countries across the globe to reevaluate the safety of existing nuclear plants and their plans to build new atomic facilities.Chinese officials say they will learn from what has happened in Japan, but stressed that the pace of the country's plans to build new reactors will not be affected.China is aggressively expanding its nuclear power industry.International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Yukiya Amano says its too early to say how the crisis in Japan will affect the nuclear power industry. "In my view, this is not the accident by design or by human error.This is an accident caused by natural disaster that is unprecedented," he said.
随着政府的工作以避免一场灾难在日本党首福岛瑞穗第一核电站,那里的局势是促使国家在全球范围内的重新评估现有核电站的安全性和他们的计划建立新的核设施。中国官员说,他们将会从错误中吸取教训,在日本发生了什么,但是他强调,这个国家的步伐计划建造新反应堆将不会受影响。中国正在积极地扩张其核电工业。国际原子能机构总干事Yukiya天野学长说它的太早说如何将直接影响到危机在日本核电工业。"在我看来,这不是意外由设计或由人为错误。这是一场事故造成的自然灾害是史无前例的, "他说。