Comrade Ranju is standing on a sunlit hilltop in western Nepal, telling me how she'd come to kill more than a dozen paramilitary policemen in one night.Dressed in fatigues, she's tall and strong for a 19-year-old Nepali woman, and her straight black hair is scraped back severely from her forehead.For the past three years she's roamed these mountains as a soldier in the Maoist army, whose brutal tactics have spread terror throughout the kingdom.
阳光下,冉淑同志站在西尼泊尔的一个山顶上。 她正在告诉我,她是如何在一晚上杀死了超过一打准军事武装的警察。身穿劳动服的冉淑体格高大强壮,不像普通的尼泊尔妇女,她的黑发被齐齐地捋到了脑后。在过去的三年里,作为毛派叛军的一名士兵,她常年巡游在这片群山之中。 而毛派残忍的战争手段,使整个尼泊尔王国沉浸在恐怖之中。