英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:狮身人面像 The Sphinx的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Chinese tourists no longer have to fly all the way to Egypt to see the Sphinx, because now there’s a life-size one in their own backyard.But instead of guarding a pyramid in the desert, as the Great Sphinx of Giza does, China’s version is sitting in Hebei province, located at the foot of the Taihang Mountains. The closest city is Luquan, population 430,000.Some netizens joked that the Sphinx was an authentic specimen. "After 2000 years, archeologists have discovered a Sphinx in Shijiazhuang, and have since concluded that ancient Egyptians actually ended up moving to the Orient."中国的游客们不再需要坐着飞机,千里迢迢去埃及参观狮身人面像啦,因为现在,在他们自己的后院里,就有一个一样大小的狮身人面像。与镇守沙漠中金字塔的吉萨大狮身人面像不同,这个中国版的狮身人面像位于太行山脉脚下的河北省。离它最近的城市是鹿犬,该市有43万人口。有网民戏称,这座狮身人面像山寨得太逼真了,他们说,“2000年以后,考古学家会在石家庄发现一座狮身人面像,并由此断言古埃及人其实最终迁徙到了东方。”