英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:年轻一代面临新的挑战 The Young Generation Faces New Challenges的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
The young generation has been labeled as the lost generation; young college graduates are unemployed, upset about debt and unable to find a promising career. It is not for everyone, but an increasing number of graduates have been forced into this situation, at the same time, they face new challenges. 年轻一代被打上了“迷失一代”的标签,年轻的大学毕业生找不到工作,为债务和找不到有前途的职业而烦恼。这并不是针对每一个人,但是越来越多的大学生已经被迫面临这样的情况,同时,他们面临新的挑战。 First, the rising debt, lack of income and high house prices give the young generation great pressure, most of them can’t afford these, and have to live with their parents. Living with their parents makes the young generation loses certain freedom, like they have to go home at night and can’t have fun with friends. What’s more, the children are easy to depend on their parents; they don’t take responsibility of themselves. In the long run, it is not good for them. 第一,不断增加的债务,没有收入和高额的房价给年轻一代带来了很大的压力,大部分人都还不起这些,不得不和父母一起住。和父母住在一起让年轻一代失去了一定的自由,比如他们晚上要回家,不能和朋友玩。而且,孩子很容易依赖父母,他们不对自己负责。长此下去,对他们来说是不好的。 Second, for those who remain unemployed for a significant period, remaining motivated can be the most important problem. Without jobs, people will feel depressed, they are easy to over think, and then give themselves much pressure, at last, they will lose hope of the word and be no longer motivated. 第二,那些在重要时期没有工作的人,保持积极性是最重要的问题。没有工作,人们会觉得压抑,容易多想,给自己过多的压力,最后,他们会对世界失去希望,变得不积极。 It is not easy to find the job, young generation must be positive, they need to be independent and motivated to face the new challenges. 找到工作不容易,年轻一代必须要乐观,他们需要变得独立和积极,来应对新的挑战。