英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:关于要不要染发英语作文 To dye it or not to dye it的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Today, the hair of chinese is no longer black only. red, blue, yellow, orange, green, pink and even multicolored hair can be seen in streets and on campuses.今天,中国人的头发不再只是黑色。红色,蓝色,黄色,橙色,绿色,粉红甚至彩色的头发可以在大街上和校园里看见。People who are for dyeing it suggest that it is a strong trend of the world. about 70 per cent of the youth in japan and south korea dyetheir hair. half of all american women color their hair and men are joining in record numbers. furthermore, those who dye their hair be lieve that it is a good way to show their personality.染头发的人觉得这是全世界的一个强劲的潮流趋势。70%左右的日本和韩国的年轻人会染发。所有的美国妇女中有一半的人头发的颜色和男人也在创下历史记录。此外,染头发的人认为这是一个彰显个性的好方法。However, a lot of people especially many parents are against it. it is said in a newspaper that a granny was frightened almost to death by the bizarre color of her grandson's hair. an angry father asked the hairdresser to return his daughter's hair to natural black and shouted that only bad gays dyed their hair.然而,很多人尤其是父母们。它是在报纸上,一个老奶奶差点被她孙子头发的奇特的颜色吓死。他愤怒的父亲要求理发师把他女儿的头发染成自然黑,因为只有坏人才染头发。To dye it or not to dye it? it is a personal choice. anyhow, no matter what color you choose for your hair, beauty should be the criteri on. think twice before you make the decision. will you bring pleasure to other's eyes or at least improve your image by coloring your hair?染色或不染色?这是个人的选择。总之,不管你选择你的头发是什么颜色,美应该是标准的。在你做出决定之前要三思。你会给别人的眼睛或至少改善你的形象,你的头发颜色带来快乐?