英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:大学校园的商业化 The Commercialize in Campus的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
The campus, which is believed to be a place for students to gain knowledge, but as the world gets globalized, many business centers have moved into the campus. Students enjoy the commercial environment, but some people think that the commercial environment will have negative effect to the students. I think the campus should be pure.大学校园,被人们认为是学生学习知识的地方,但是随着全球化,很多商业中心搬进了校园。学生享受着商业环境,但是一些人觉得商业环境会给学生带来负面影响。我觉得校园应该要纯净。On the one hand, campus is the place for students to learn the knowledge. The school should create the environment which is suitable for the students to study. Such as the school can open the shops to sell the books, or the things which are related to the study.一方面,大学校园是学生学习知识的地方。学校应该创造适合学生学习的环境。比如学校可以开卖书的店,或者卖和学习有关的东西。On the other hand, the commercial centers will distract students’ attention from their study. The shop, the theater and other shops have built in some campus, it makes the students can’t focus their minds, they just want to finish their class and then go shopping. The original purpose has been forgotten by the students.另一方面,商业中心会让学生从学习上分心。商店,电影院和其他的店在一些学校已经建立了,这让学生无法集中精神,他们会想要快点上完课,然后去购物。学生忘记了他们上学的初衷。Though the commercialize of campus brings students convenience, it is not suitable to let those shops open, students’ main duty is to study and the commercialize will interfere them.虽然校园的商业化给学生带来了方便,但是让这些店开在校园里是不合适的,学生的主要任务是学习,商业化会干扰他们。