英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:旅游带来的新心情 Travel Brings New Mood的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
I like to travel, since I go to college, I have traveled to many places. Every time I go to the new place, I will be very excited and learn the things. Travel is like a lesson for me, because I will broaden my vision and enrich my experience, when I finish the journey, I will come back with the new mood.我喜欢旅游,自从我上了大学,我就已经去过了很多地方。每次我到一个新的地方,我都会很兴奋,也学到新东西。旅游对于我来说就像是一门课,因为我会开阔视野,丰富经验,旅行结束的时候,我会带着新的心情回来。My travel to Tibet impresses me so much, it was July, I went to Tibet with my friends. We took the train, we were so excited, watching the scenery all the way, we saw the flatland, there were less green, which was so different from our place. When the train was close to Tibet, I felt so tired and I couldn’t use my power, I knew it altitude sickness, it took me many hours to get used to it. Tibet has different color in different season, for me, its beautiful scenery is color on the way, I am not interested in its tourist site, I like its natural color.去西藏的旅游我印象很深刻,那是在七月,我和朋友们去西藏。我们坐火车,很兴奋,看着沿途的风景,我们看到了平原,几乎没什么绿色,和我们的地方很不一样。在火车即将到达西藏的时候,我很累,使不上劲,我知道那是高原反应,过了很久我才适应下来。西藏在不同的季节有不同的颜色,对于我来说,它的美丽风景就是沿途的风景,我对景点不感兴趣,只喜欢它天然的颜色。The trip to Tibet brings me many knowledge, I experience many things, all of these are precious for me and I have the new mood to my life.去西藏的旅程给了长了知识,我体验了很多东西,所有的这些都很宝贵,我对生活有了新的心情。