教程:大学英语作文  浏览:370  
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    新东方老师告诉你的作文是怎样评分的,很精辟的几个字。ü 评分原则--内容与结构ü 总体评分 1. 找:idea 2. 扫:从,写作方法 3. 感:文字,文法,文体,文笔 检查扣分点 :( 1. 作文格式 2. 拼写 3. 搭配 4. 三"一致"ü 印象分--加分点/闪光点十大闪光点(求求大家) 小编:==!老师用心良苦。。 一。 提问法 二。 总结法 三。 "一些人认为" 四。 从句:宾语从句、定语从句 五。 并列句 六。 理由词汇 七。 理由段公式 八。 路线句型 九。 数据的表达 十。 结语1. 提问法开篇提问法 是吸引阅卷老师注意力非常有效的方式之一。所以,如果有可能,我们就必须熟练掌握这种吸引"眼球"的写作方法。而提问法按照结构来分,基本上可以分为直接提问法(包括一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)和间接提问法(即引用)。当然,如果能够连续提问,不断将读者的注意力引向深入,就更为理想了。十大闪光点之一--提问法A. 直接提问法B. 间接提问法C. 连续提问法Is it a blessing or a curse?2. 总结法问而不答显然不能够达到提问的效果(除反问与自问自答),我们在回答自己提出的问题的时候,非但要切中要害,而且要把题目继续深化。我们习惯上认为:一个能够熟练掌握谚语的考生是一个语言功底深厚的人,非常容易给考官留下深刻的印象。如果能够用谚语来总结自己的提问,往往可以起到事半功倍的效果。十大闪光点之二--总结法1. 玫瑰All roses have thorns.2. 花园No garden is without weeds.3. 金币Every coin has 2 sides.4. 利剑Every sword has 2 edges.5. 利弊Every advantage has its disadvantages.6. 众口It's hard to please all.7. 仁智So many people, so many minds.8. 伟人Great minds think alike.9. 毒肉One man's meat is another man's poison.10. 过及Throw the baby out with the bath water.11.Admittedly, there are merits to both sides of the argument.12. All roses have thorns.13. No garden is without weeds.14. Answers shall find it hard to please all, as the old say goes.15. As the proverb goes: "Every coin has its two sides", ___ is no exception.16. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.17. At present, some people think ____, while others claim ____. Both sides have their merits and drawbacks.18. Consensus has never been reached on this issue.19. Every advantage has its disadvantages.3. "一些人认为"在作文过程中,我们常需要引用他人和自己的观点,所以,掌握"一些人认为"的各种表达方式就成了考生提高分数的必经之路。简单地说,我们可以把"一些人认为"分解成"一些"、"人"、"认为"三部分,在同一结构中使用不同词汇来表达同一层次。十大闪光点之三--"一些人认为"--Some无数的numerous/myriad (a myriad of)大量的A great / large / huge / (in)considerable / significant / noticeable number / amount / quantity / portion of对半的almost / nearly / some / close to / approximately half of大多的the (vast / overwhelming) majority of一些/另一些(抽象意义):some - others, majority - minority十大闪光点之三--"一些人认为"--people公众the public各行各业people from all walks of life / the circle/community/walk of education学生examinees / testees / students特殊人群readers / drivers支持/反对者followers - objectors, dissenters - consenters参与者participants / candidates / interviewees十大闪光点之三--"一些人认为"--think认为assume / argue / hold (the opinion) / claim / suggest / declare / say / assert / state / believe / insist/ maintain / doubt / suspect that支持give / express / show / demonstrate one's support for赞成/反对vote / ballot for/againstcast one's vote / ballot for / againstside with / stand on the side of接受take the advise / follow the suggestion / accept the opinion / idea that意见是one's viewpoint is that / be with the view that4. 从句当今世界流行的英文考试都有同样的观点:一个考生掌握英语长句、难句、复杂句的程度直接体现出该考生的英语语言运用能力。因此,我们也需要在写作的过程中贯穿一些基本的从句。如果考生的确觉得在作文中自然穿插从句非常困难,那么可以尝试以下非常简单的做法:(1)在提出观点时使用宾语从句;(2)在提出新人物或者事物时使用定语从句。十大闪光点之四--从句(主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语)宾语从句--引出观点定语从句--引出人事物5. 并列句并列句在一般同学看来似乎没有从句来的复杂,可是,使用得当的并列句也可以达到画龙点睛的效果。并列结构主要有连词构成,而连次按照其结构还可以分为:1。简单连词(如and);2。关联连词(如both… and…);3。短语连词(如as if);和4。分词连词(如supposing)。尤其是后三种连词的恰当使用,往往给考官留下语言简洁、结构明了的印象。十大闪光点之五--并列句1. 简单连词:and, or, but, if, because2. 关联连词:both… and…, not only… but also…3. 短语连词:as if, as long as, in order that4. 分词连词:supposing, considering, provided6. 理由词汇在考生论证的过程中,如果只是给出一些诸如"good"、"bad"、"important"之类空洞的词汇,非常容易引起考官的反感,因为这样的表达太多了。所以,对于特定的问题,我们应该恰到好处地使用一些相应的理由词汇。虽然作文的题目五花八门、与时俱进,但是总体来说,往往局限于学习工作、娱乐生活、性格态度、环境安全。所以,我们可以针对这四方面词汇进行专门的准备。十大闪光点之六--理由词汇工作学习1. 昂贵:costly, expensive, lavish, extravagant2. 帮助:helpful, useful, beneficial, think / speak / praise highly of sth., assist, free … from, make contribution to, do one's bit to3. 便利:efficiency, convenience, easy, handy, simple, comfortable, ready-to-use, friendly interface4. 节省:save / waste time / money / space / energy, time-consuming, "Live now, pay later."5. 节约:economical, thrifty/thrift, frugal/frugality6. 经验:social experience, enter the society, accumulate, inexperienced, green-hand, step by step7. 提高:improve, enhance, develop, upgrade, better, perfect, upgrade, advance, make much progress/improvement in …(field)性格态度1. 独立:independence, individuality, by oneself, stand on one's own feet2. 目标:ambition, strategic goal, aim, realize, dreams come true, target3. 能力:competition, capability, ability, proficiency, creativity, tolerance, perseverance, capacity4. 缺点:overbearing傲慢的, arrogant, selfish, dependent, conservative保守的, isolated, self-centered, indifferent, neglect, pay no attention to, turn a blind eye to, turn a cold shoulder to sb., turn a deaf ear to5. 团结:cooperate, team spirit, team player, considerate, thoughtful, sociable, work together, joint effort6. 信心:(self)confidence, convince环境卫生1. 肮脏:dirty, filthy, messy, at sixes and sevens2. 环境:environment, surroundings, working condition3. 卫生:public health, hygiene4. 污染:pollute, pollutant, poisonous, harmful, contaminate, contaminant安全健康1. 安全:in safe, free … from2. 疾病:disease, illness, attack, serious threat, spread3. 健康:mental / physical health, physical well-being, strong, energetic, keep fit, figure, build up, lose weight4. 危险:in danger, risk, hazard, harmful娱乐生活1. 放松:relax, take it easy, break, rest2. 流行:fashion, chic, popularity, a growing realization, more and more, in increasing number3. 孤独:lonely, lonesome, all by oneself4. 快乐:happy, gay, pleasure, joyful, enjoy sth. to one's heart's content5. 疲倦:tiredness, boring, fatigue, weary, dull, monotonous, stereotype, same old story6. 闲暇:leisure hours, extra-curriculum activity, after-school, free time, available7. 娱乐:entertaining, colorful, interesting, enrich, cultivate, paint7. 理由段公式要把犀利的理由词汇统一在同一论证框架之内,我们需要条理性逻辑性极强的理由段公式进行阐述。要把理由段本身的层次分清楚,我们首先要把理由段公式的层次分清楚。一言以蔽之,即,1。序列词;2。名词;3。动词短语;4。"is that";5。从句。十大闪光点之七--理由段公式1. 序列词:the 序数词 / first and foremost / last but not leastthe other / anothera thirdone of2. + n. :point / thing / fact / factormerit / demerit / positive influence / advantagerule / principle3. + VP :to remember / to be kept in mind / ought to be taken into consideration shall be borne / kept in mind / could not be forgot / neglected / ignoredworth mentioningof great importance / significanceholding the balanceI would like to mention / that talks / that holds water4. + is that5. + 从句a) The first point to be kept in mind is thatb) The second merit I would like to mention is thatc) The third thing that should be taken into serious consideration is thatd) The fourth rule that could not be forgot / neglected / ignored is that8. 路线句型对于一些新问题、新现象,我们考生往往觉得手足无措、不知道如何下手。但是经过分析,我们不难发现,其实我们在改革开放的过程中产生的新事物都可以从四方面进行剖析,即,1。发展路线;2。群众路线;3。当局路线;4。法制路线等路线句型。十大闪光点之八--路线句型1. 发展路线With the development of living standard…Along with the promotion / improvement of science and technology…Since the reform and opening-up policy applied…2. 群众路线All the social members, shall say "No!" to… / shall participate inThere is a growing realization of the advantages of sth. promoted by …Mass media shall play an active role in doing / keep sb. well informed of sth.3. 当局路线The authorities concerned shall lose no time in doing sth. (put an end to / encourage)The local government shall take measures to (bring sth. under control)The concerned government departments shall should their responsibility in doing4. 法制路线Laws and regulations shall be issued…NPC and LPC ought to attach great importance to …9. 数据的表达无论是在阐述观点的过程中还是在图表作文,我们考生都需要对数据进行描述和分析。而数据的描述则是体现出考生语言水平的重要标准。原则上,我们认为单一结构的排比并不能够加强语气,所以,不同的数据表达方式非常重要。这其中倍数(4-fold)、分数、小数、百分比、和量化动词是同学最简单有效的数据表达法。十大闪光点之九--数据表达倍数(4-fold)分数小数百分比量化动词比较不同数据1. In 1980, 30% of rural dwellers had drinking water compared with 50% 1990.2. The students in class A are three times as many as those in class B.3. The profit doubled / increase three-fold from May to June.4. They made twice the profit in June than in March.10. 结语作为一篇文章,作者当然需要归纳总结、解决问题、或者展望未来。但是对于一个时间有限的考生而言,写出符合以上要求的结尾几乎不太可能,除非做过专门的准备。所谓准备,往往是利用同一模式就不同主题进行组合式的演绎。这样的结尾,结构通常是"总而言之","经过分析","不难发现","重申主题"这四步。十大闪光点之十--结语单刀式1. All things considered, a unshakable conclusion could be safely drawn that …2. As is mentioned above, …3. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages / negative effects and positive effects of … I intend to stand on the side that …4. Based on the evidence before me, I am bound to accept the viewpoint that …5. Given the factors listed before…6. I am with the view that / I am inclined to stand on the side that / I would like to vote for the former / latter idea that / I prefer the former / latter viewpoint that…7. It's safe to draw the conclusion, not difficult to reach the consensus8. Judging from all evidence available, we can predict with confidence that …9. My personal / humble opinion / view point / point of view / theory / understanding / view / belief is that …10. Through above analysis, …11. Weighing the pros and cons of the argument, I am inclined to agree with the former / latter.12. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate to stand on the side/show my support / vote for…13. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that14. As a college student, I am most eligible to have a say in this discussion.15. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that…16. So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion: …17. From above, we can predict that组合式18. All in all / In a word / In short / On the whole / In brief / In conclusion, if we take a careful consideration / for the reasons presented above / given the factors I have just outlined / as is mentioned above, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that / the writer believe that / it is sagacious to support the statement that / it is safe to draw the conclusion that the advantages of sth. could not easily overweigh its disadvantages.19. Taking into all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…对比式20. While the writer understand / accept that sth. has brought about some advantages / positive influences / effects, these benefits alone could not substantially outweigh my serious / grave concern over its numerous / countless / immense / massive disadvantages / negative influences / effects to the development / advancement / benefit of study / country / society / economy as a whole.21. I note the advantage / negative effect / influence / drawback of sth, but this alone could not substantial outweigh the positive effect / influence / merit / disadvantage of it as a whole.展望式22. Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that China will raise its economic and social development to a new level despite of the current difficulties.23. All in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. With the advance of society, if we encourage the merits and eliminate the drawbacks, all people will enjoy a better life in the near future.方案式24. What we must do is to encourage the strength and diminish the weaknesses to the least extent.
      上一篇:大学英语作文:考研英语阅读的三大黄金原则 下一篇:大学英语作文:大学英语四级词汇活记活用(1)


