英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:你生命中的最后十年 The Last Ten Years in Your Life的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Have you ever image what would it be of the last ten years in your life?Some people are every healthy and enjoy their grandchildren; someone is terribly sick and has been taken care by family.There is no avoiding that everyone is weaker when they are getting old, tissues age and organs fail.But we could still chose to stay a hale body when we are old, as long as we start a healthy life by now.你有没有想象过你人生中的最后十年会是怎样的?有些人非常健康,享受天伦之乐;有些人就病入膏肓,被家人照顾着。好无抵挡的,人变老的时候都会变脆弱,因为组织老化,器官衰弱。但是我们能够选择在老年的时候还有一副硬朗的身躯,只要我们现在开始健康的生活方式。It is not astonished to see that the young people don’t take care of their body.Not because they don’t want to, but because they have been busy on other things.For example, teenagers are overloaded, the homework took them a lot of time, and hence they don’t have too much time to do exercise.And the workers have too much work to do, so that they miss the normal mealtimes, and even worse, they have to work overtime and stayed all night.The damages caused for body as is well-known.现在人们不关心身体并不惊奇。不是因为他们不想,知识他们要忙其他的事情。例如,青少年负担过重,写作业就花了很多时间,因此他们没有多少时间做运动。工作人士有很多工作要做,他们会错过正常的吃饭时间,更糟的是,他们还要加班,通宵。我们都知道这会对身体造成什么样的伤害。Every kind of life style can impact on our body.Get up 10 minutes earlier every day and have a simple breakfast might let you live 5 years longer in the world; stand up and do some simple exercise every 1 hour after you work in front of the desk, which might give you a chance to share a happy biking time with your grandchildren.If you don’t take your body seriously, it will make you suffered terribly in the last ten years of your life.每种生活方式都会对我们的身体造成影响。每天早起十分钟吃个简单的早餐,可能会让你在这世上多活五年;你在桌子工作每一小时就站起来做点简单的运动,会让你有机会和你的孙子享受快乐的骑行。如果你不认真对待你的身体,它会让你在你人生中的最后十年吃尽苦头。In a word, if you want to enjoy a happy time with your family in the last ten years, then develop a healthy lifestyle by now, otherwise, you would be surrounded by your family in your sickbed.It is your choice.一句话,如果你想在最后十年和你的家人有段快乐时光,那么现在就要养成健康的生活习惯,不然,你就会被你的家人围在病床上。这是你的选择。