英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:为大学生活做准备 Making Preparations For College Life的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
With the end of another college entrance examination, many students are going to enter the colleges after the summer holiday.There are some suggestions for them to make some preparation for their college lives.随着又一年高考的结束,许多大学生暑假之后就将要进入大学校门了。这里有一些为他们准备大学生活的建议。First, the most important thing they should learn is to learn to think independently.The ability of think independently is quite important in college life because no one will tell them what to do and how to do at all time in college.Therefore, to own a meaningful college time, students need to practice their ability of think independently so that they can deal with various matters by their own.首先,他们应该学会的最重要的就是学会独立思考。独立思考能力在大学生活中是非常重要的,因为在大学里没有人会时刻告诉他们要做什么,该怎么做。因此,想要拥有一段有意义的大学时光,学生们需要锻炼他们独立思考的能力,这样他们才能独立处理各种事情。Second, another thing they should learn is to be independent.In addition to learn to think independently, they also need to be independent in their ordinary lives.They should develop an awareness of independence. They should aware the differences between high school life and college life.In life, they should try to cope with their own matters by themselves; in study, they need to make their arrangements and supervise themselves.In a word, they need to practice their ability of solving problems by themselves instead of asking others for help at first.其次,另外他们要学会的是独立。除了学会独立思考之外,他们还需要在日常生活中学会独立。他们应该培养自己的独立意识,应该清楚高中生活与大学生活的不同。在生活上,他们需要独自处理自己的事;学习上,他们需要自己做安排,自己监督自己。总之,他们需要锻炼独立处理问题的能力而不是第一时间向他人求助。Finally, to avoid some difficulties in college life, students need to make some concrete preparations before their entering college.They need to know the basic information of the college where they are going to enter, such as the traffic and the routine around it.They also need to know the concrete requirement of their majors and even begin to learn the basic knowledge of their majors so that they will not feel confused at the beginning.Another point need to be mentioned is that learning English should not be stopped even though in holiday.最后,为了避免一些困难,在进入大学之前还需要做一些具体的准备。他们需要了解他们即将进入的大学的基本概况,比如周边的交通和路线。他们还要了解专业的具体要求,甚至要开始学习专业的基本知识,这样他们才不至于在开始时感到迷茫。另外需要提醒的一点是,即使是在假期,英语学习也不应该停止。Therefore, to have a meaningful and wonderful life in college, students need to begin to make preparations before entering it.因此,想要拥有有意义的,精彩的大学生活,学生们需要在进入大学之前就要开始做准备。