英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:远离毒品 Stay away from drug的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
The woman in the picture is taking a drug, her eyes fixed on the drug as if all her life depended on it.She is so thin that she looks like a skeleton.It is the drugs that have got her into such a terrible condition.The picture shows us that the abuse of illegal drugs has becoming more and more serious in our country.Drug abuse is dangerously harmful to both the user and the society.Illegal drugs are destructive to the user’s physical and mental health, and the victims, once addicted to them, will hardly be able to abstain from them.In most cases, addicts are heavily in debt and are driven to commit monstrous crimes, which greatly disturb the stability of the society.Indeed, many families are ruined by drugs.To make matters worse, drugs will destroy a nation by depriving it of its vitality and spirit.图中一位妇女正在吸毒,两睛死死盯在毒品上,好像整个生命依赖于毒品。人骨瘦如柴,正是吸毒造成她这个可怕样子。这张图片向我们显示,吸毒问题在我国日趋严重。吸毒对吸毒者和社会危害极大。毒品有害于吸毒者的身心健康, 吸毒者一旦上瘾,很难戒毒。在大多数情况下,毒瘾者负债累累,不得不去犯罪,严重扰乱了社会的稳定。确实,有许多家庭被毒品毁了。更糟的是,毒品还会从活力和精神上毁掉整个国家。The serious problem of drug abuse deserves great attention of the whole society.Strict measures have been taken to prohibit the production, trafficking and sale of drugs.But in my opinion, anti-drug campaigns should be constantly launched to make every citizen well aware of the danger of taking drugs.Most importantly, education should be carried out among young people to warn them to stay away from drugs.I am sure that with the joint efforts of the government and the society, the problem of drug abuse will be certainly brought under control.严重的毒品问题值得全社会高度重视。虽然已经采取措施严格禁止生产、交易和销售毒品。但在我看来,禁毒运动应该经常不间断地开展,要让每个公民都了解吸毒的危害。最重要的是,要教育年轻人,告诫他们远离毒品。我相信只要政府和全社会的共同努力毒品问题一定能得到控制。