英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:加拿大文学的崛起The Rise of Canadian Literature的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
About two months ago, it has been announced that this year’s winner of Nobel Prize in literature was Alice Munro, she is from Canada, and she is famous for her short stories. Alice Munro’s winning for Nobel Prize gives her great reputation, but at the same time, people start to be more interesting in Canadian literature. 大概两个月以前,据消息宣布,今年的诺贝尔文学奖的获得者是爱丽丝•门罗,她是来自加拿大的,以她的短篇小说闻名。爱丽丝•门罗获得诺贝尔文学奖给她带来的巨大的名声,同时,人们也开始对加拿大文学更加感兴趣。 When we talk about world literature, the first thing comes out in our mind is British literature, then the American literature. They are the main literature in the world; the winner of Nobel Prize in literature often belongs to them. However, as the world gets globalized, the winner is no longer limited in British and America, India and China begin to join the winner club. At this time, the club has more members, Canada also joins in. 当我们说到世界文学的时候,头脑中立刻闪现出来的是英国文学,然后是美国文学。这是世界上的主要文学,诺贝尔文学奖的归属者经常属于它们。然而,随着全球化,赢家不再限制在英美国家,印度和中国也开始加入赢家俱乐部。此次,俱乐部有了更多的成员,加拿大也称为了其中一员。 Canadian literature is famous for short story, Alice Munro, Magaret Atwood, Magaret Launce and so on are the outstanding short story writers. The main character of their writing is that the readers understand the novel easily, but the novel is not that simple, the theme is impressing and profound. Alice Munro is skilled at describing the characters’ mind and their struggle. That is the reason why she wins the Nobel Prize. 加拿大文学以短篇小说闻名。爱丽丝•门罗,玛格丽特•阿特伍德,玛格丽特•劳伦斯等等是很杰出的短篇小说家。她们写作的主要特点是读者容易读懂,但是小说不简单,主题深刻和意义深厚。爱丽丝•门罗擅长刻画人物的心里和挣扎。这也是她获奖的原因。 It is true that Canadian literature is on the processing of rising, we can hear of many outstanding writers, their short story is excellent and will not spend too much time to read. In all, Canadian short story is worth to reading. 加拿大温煦正在崛起,这是不可否认的事实,我们可以听到很多杰出的作者,他们的短篇小说很优秀,不许花太多时间去读。总的来说,加拿大的短篇小说值得阅读。