英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:情妇享有隐私权么?Dose Mistress Deserves Privacy?的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Recently, a website has become a hot point under discussion, it has aroused some controversy. The website’s name is shesahomewrecker.com, this website offer a place for the heart broke people who are want to share the experience that they were betrayed. However, the highlight is they also expose the mistress and betrayer’s photo. Some people think this could be an alarm that can protect people from heart broke, while others think this violate human right. For me, I agree with the latter. 最近,有个网站成为了热点,引起了不小的争议。网站的名字是她是家庭破坏者.com,这个网站专门给那些伤心人分享他们被劈腿的经历的。然而,亮点是他们会曝光小三和劈腿男的照片。有些人认为这个可以给人们敲响警钟,防止别人被劈腿,然而有些人认为这侵犯了人权。对于我来说,我同意后者。 On the one hand, having affair is a moral issue; most people do not want it exposed to the public. If they really want to solve this problem, keep it low could be the better. Moreover, the urge to shout filthy words at the top of their voice was as strong as ever when the lawful wife found out the mistress, they even fight with the mistress. I guess this is enough that is not a glorious thing after all. Three parties are embarrassed if it is posted on the net. 一方面,有外遇是道德问题,很多人都不想公诸于世。如果他们想解决这个问题,低调点最好。还有,原配发现小三的时候,那种骂人的冲劲也是不可小嘘的,她们甚至会和小三打起来。我觉得这样就够了,毕竟这不是件光彩的事情。如果曝光了,三方都会挂不住脸。 On the other hand, mistress has their normal daily life. If they were exposed, many radicals would find them out by all means, and blasted away at their behaviors, put their anger to the mistress even they don’t know her at all. Certainly, it will mess up the mistress’ normal life, and they will get a lot of pressure from it. Although they become a mistress, they are still human beings, they have rights. 另一方面,情妇也有她们的正常生活。如果她们被曝光,很多激进分子就会想方设法找到她们,然后猛烈抨击她们的行为,把怒气发泄到她们身上,即使她们不认识她。无疑的,这会扰乱情妇的日常生活,而且她们也会因此倍感压力。尽管她们成了小三,她们也是人,也有人权。 To summarize, being a mistress is an indignant behavior, but we should not forget they are human beings like us, who are deserve legal rights. Therefore, the best way is keep it low and solve it peacefully. 简言之,做小三是令人愤怒的行为,但是我们不该忘记她们和我们一样是人,拥有合法权益的。因此,最好的方法是低调,和平地解决问题。