英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:关于国际护士节的英语作文 International Nurses' Day的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
The May 12th, is known as International nurses day, this day is set up in memory of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is the legend in the field of medicine. From 1854 to 1856, there was a war between Anglo-French allied force and Russia, many soldiers died in this world due to poor caring condition. As a nurse, Nightingale made up her mind to change this situation. She and others nurses paid more attention to the wounded nursing and nutrition. After half year of hard working, the death rate had dropped down to 2.2%, then the whole Europe known about this. In the year of 1860, she set up the first nurse school in England, and cultivated many excellent nurses. Because of her contribution, lots of patients recovered soon. 5月12日是国际护士节。这一天是为了纪念弗罗伦斯•南丁格尔护士而成立的节日。南丁格尔在医学界是个传奇。在1854年到1856年之间,英法联军与沙俄发生战争,许多士兵在战争中由于照顾不当去世了。作为一名护士,南丁格尔下定决心要改变这一现状。她和其他的护士比之前更注重伤者的照看和营养。通过大半年的努力,死亡率下降到了2.2%,然后全欧洲都知道了这一消息。在1860年,她在英国建立了第一所护士学校,并培养了很多优秀的护士。因为南丁格尔的重要贡献,许多病人恢复的很快。 After Nightingale passed away, the International Council of Nurses decided that May 12th is the nurse day. Her spirit, love, patience, care and responsibility, has become the service principles of the whole world nurses. To be a nurse, is not only a job, but also a career. This year, the main theme of the nurse day is Nurses: Nurses: A Force for Change-A vital resource for health.www.yingyuzuowen.cn 在南丁格尔去世之后,国际护士理事会决定把每年的5月12号定为护士日。她所提倡的精神:“爱心、耐心、细心和责任心”成为了全世界护士们所遵守的服务传统。今年,护士节的主题是“护士:变革的力量,重要的健康资源”。 In my humble opinion, the whole society should respect the nurses and show our thanks to them. Because of them, the patients can recover sooner and better. Without them, this world can be different. I wish every nurse is healthy and happy. 在我看来,整个社会都应该尊敬护士,并对他们表示感谢。因为他们,病人才能够更快更好的康复。没有他们,世界会变得不一样。我祝愿天下的护士健康快乐。 Happy international Nurses’ Day! 国际护士节快乐!