英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:评论电影的权利 The Right to Make the Commence On the Movie的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
We all like to see the movie, American movies are popular around the world, its plot and technical skill take the lead, so everybody loves to see American movies. The producers have to accept the audiences’ bad commence, but some are not. 我们都喜欢看电影,美国电影在全世界都很受欢迎,它的剧情和科技处于领先的地位,所以大家都喜欢看美国电影。出品方必须得接受观众的差评,但是有一些出品方却不接受。 Recently, a famous guy made a bad commence on the hot movie, many people read his commence and decided not to see the movie. The producer saw this and condemned the guy for being not able to appreciate the movie, then the guy fought back and satire the producer to refuse to accept the audience’s bad commence. 最近,一位有名的年轻人对一部电影给予了不好的评价,很多人看到了他的评价,决定不去看那部电影。出品方看到这些,谴责年轻人不懂得欣赏电影,然后年轻人反驳,并且讽刺出品方拒绝接受观众的差评。 This incidence soon became hot news, people love to see the guy and producer fight. In my opinion, everyone has the right to make the commence on the movie, whether he is famous or not. The producers must learn to accept it, though it indeed affects his profit, if they want to attract more audience, they must make the movie with high quality instead of making ads. 这个事件瞬间成为热点新闻,人们喜欢看到年轻人和出品方互掐。在我看来,每个人都有权利评论电影,无论这个人有没有名气。出品方必须要学会接受,虽然这确实会影响收入,如果他们想要吸引更多的观众,他们必须制作出高质量的电影,而不是靠宣传。