英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:健身与养生Fitness and Health的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Many years ago, the commercial ads about losing weight was such popular, its aim was to show women to lose weight as more as possible, so that they could look as perfect as the stars. But now things have changed, skinny is not what most women what to chase, they look for another new trend, it is fitness and health. 许多年前,关于减肥的商业广告是如此受欢迎,它的目的是向展示女性尽可能多地减肥,这样她们可以看起来像名星那么完美无缺。但现在事情发生了变化,瘦不是大多数女性的追求,他们跟随另一种新趋势,即是健身和养生。 When we look at the Vitoria’s Secret Fashion Show, we are very impressed by the models’ body shape. They look so perfect and healthy. Though they go on a diet, they keep fit as their target instead of being skinny. When we look at these models, they stand for the new trend, which is fitness and healthy. 当我们看维多利亚的秘密时装秀的时候,对于模特们的体型,我们留下了非常深刻的印象。她们看起来那么完美和健康。虽然他们节食,但是她们以保持健美作为自己的目标,而不是清瘦。当我们看这些模特,她们代表着新趋势,那就是健身与养生。 Today, many stars show off their body shape on their blogs. They are very confident to let others know that they have the beautiful lines of the muscle. For looking fit, they go to the gym and practice so well, finally their body shapes look perfect. People used to chase for skinny, but today keep fit is the trend. 今天,许多明星在博客展上示他们的体型。他们非常自信,想大家展示他们有漂亮的肌肉线条。为了追求健美,他们去健身房,努力健身,最后他们的体型看起来很完美。人们曾经追求清瘦,但是今天保持健美才是趋势。 Fitness and health deserve people to chase. 健身和养生值得人们去追逐。