英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:负债的生活The Life of Incurring Debts的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Nowadays, people can pay in many ways. The original way to pay is to give the cash, then as the development of the Internet, people can pay by the Internet. Credit card is favored by most people, because it can pay in advance. While some may be stuck by the incurring debts and life becomes hard. 如今,人们可以有多种付款的方式。最初的付款方式是给现金,然后随着网络的发展,人们可以通过网络付款。信用卡收到大部分的喜爱,因为它能提前支付。然而一些人可能被受困于负债,生活变得困难。 The life of incurring debts is really not comfortable, take my friend for example. My friend liked to go shopping very much, she bought new clothes all the time. But her little income couldn’t support her to buy so many clothes, so she went to the bank and made a credit card, which meant that she had some money in advance. My friend spent the money in a month, she felt so satisfied, but the thing was that the bank asked her to return part of the money every month. It sounded so terrible, she was in debt and struggled with her life in a year.www.yingyuzuowen.cn 负债的生活真的不好过,就拿我朋友来说。我的朋友很喜欢逛街,她总是在买衣服。但是她的微薄收入无法支持她买那么多的衣服,因此她去银行办了张信用卡,这意味着她有一笔钱可以提前花。我的朋友在一个月内就花光了钱,她感到了满足,但是银行要求她每个月都要还一部分的钱。这听起来多么可怕啊,她负债了,整整一年都在挣扎着过日子。 Seeing my friend’s experience of paying debts, I dare not to pay in advance, at least so far, I don’t have the ability to pay back. Even I don’t have much income, I still can live the good life. 看到朋友的负债经历,我不敢提前消费,至少目前为止,我没有能力去偿还。虽然我没有很高的收入,但是我也能过得很好。