英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:大号模特 The Plus Size Model的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
When we talk about model, we will have the skinny body shape and beautiful face image in our mind. It is the rule for model to keep as thin as possible. But the hottest model recently is a girl who has the beatutiful face while with fat body. The girl is leading the new fashion, telling people that the real you is sexy. 当我们讨论模特,我们脑海中会浮现出纤瘦身材和漂亮的脸蛋的形象。对模特来说,尽可能地保持纤瘦是行规。但最近最热门的模特是一个有着漂亮脸蛋和肥胖身材的女孩。这个女孩引领新时尚,告诉人们,真正的你很性感。 This famous girl is 19 and she is from New York, her name is Barbie Ferreira. If we only look at the face from the picture, there is doubt that this girl is so charming, but if we look at her body shape, we will be very shocked, for her body size is much bigger than the ordinary model's. When this girl show on the magazine, people are so inspired, they believe that natural beauty is what they chase for. 这个著名的女孩19岁,她来自纽约,她的名字叫芭比费雷拉。如果我们只从图片中看脸的话,毫无疑问,这个女孩是很有魅力,但是如果我们看她的身材,就会非常震惊,因为她的体型比普通模特大很多。当这个女孩出现在杂志里,人们受到了鼓舞,他们认为自然美才是他们所要追求的。 When Barbie was very small, she was fat and though she tried to lose weight, she worried about becoming fat again. Barbie realized that she was a natural fat girl, she wanted to let the body be its way. Barbie’s story inspires so many young girls to live the way they want.www.yingyuzuowen.cn 芭比非常小的时候,她很胖,虽然她试图减肥,但是她又担心再次变胖。芭比意识到她是一个自然胖的女孩,她想让身体处于自然的状态。芭比的故事激励了很多年轻女孩去去活出自己想要的方式生活。