英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:关于工作和玩耍的英语作文:Work and Play的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
Work and play is an eternal topic for human being, people work so hard all the time, they need to improve their life level by working, while at the same time, playing for fun is people’s desire, they are willing to play in their hearts, but they know they can’t live without working. As for me, I balance work and play, only in this way, my life will be wonderful. 工作和玩耍对人类来说是永恒的话题,人们总是一直很努力的工作,他们需要通过工作来提高生活水平,然而同时,玩耍是人们的愿望,他们打从心底愿意玩耍,但是他们知道不能没有工作地生活着。对于我来说,我在工作和玩耍之间找到平衡,这有这样,我的生活才会美好。 Everyone needs to work, that’s what they should do in most of their lives. Working endows people’s lives with meaning, people work for living, they need to meet their ends meet, raise their kids. What’s more, if they want to find the amusement, they also need money to create fun. 每个人都需要工作,这也是他们在大部分时间应该做的事情。工作赋予了人们生命以意义,人们为了生活而工作,他们需要维持收支平衡,养育孩子。而且,如果他们想要找到乐子,他们也需要钱来创造。 There is a saying that all work no play makes Jack a dull, it tells people they should find the amusement sometimes, people just can’t work all the time, even the machine needs to take a break. Working all the time bores people, the constant recycling work fades people’s passion, they need to play to breathe the new air, so that they can work better. 有一句话说,只有工作没有娱乐会让人变傻,这告诉人们应该时而找些乐子,不能一直工作,即使是机器也需要休息。整天工作让人们感到无聊,无限循环的工作泯灭人们的激情,他们需要通过玩耍来呼吸新鲜的空气,这样他们才能更好地工作。 Work and play should be combined, people play to gain passion and to work in a better way. 工作和玩耍应该联结起来,人们玩耍了才能有激情,才能更好地工作。