英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:男性角色的变化 Changes of Man’s Role的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
In the past, men always took the burden to earn money to support their families. But now more and more men are beginning to take over housework as society develops. Some of them will share the housework with their wives and some even change their position with their wives. What do you think of this phenomenon? For me, it is acceptable. 在过去,男人总是挣钱养家。但是随着社会的发展,现在越来越多的男性开始接管家务。有些人是和妻子一起做家务,甚至直接与妻子交换角色。你怎么看待这种现象的?对我来说,这是可以接受的。 First of all, we often say that everyone is equality. Nowadays, women have received their freedom after a long fight. They can do the same job as men’s. Through the history, there are many great women heroine, such as Marie Curie, wang yaping and so on. All these prove that women can do the same thing as men. Thus, gender discrimination is less and less. In addition, for a happy family, both men and women should share housework and other difficulty. Men start to take over housework should be very common. 首先,我们常说人人平等。如今,经过长时间的奋斗妇女也得到了她们的自由。她们可以做和男性一样的工作。在历史长河中,也有很多伟大的女性,比如居里夫人,王亚平等。所有这些都可以证明女性可以跟男性做同样的事情。因此,性别歧视是越来越少了。此外,对于一个幸福家庭,男性和女性都应该一起分担家务和其他困难。男人开始接管家务应该很平常的。 Secondly, the appropriate division of labor is very important to forming a happy family. As we all know that women can have the same social position as men present. And sometimes women can do better than men. Family economic burden is not easy. If the female can earn more than her husband, it is wise for husband to become houseman. 其次,适当分工对于一个幸福家庭是很重要的。我们都知道现在女性有着同样的社会地位。有时候女性会比男性做得更好。家庭经济负担并不是那么容易的。如果女性能够比她的丈夫挣的更多,丈夫成为家庭主男是明智的。 In summary, the change of man’s role is the natural development. It does means any inequality, instead it is a more suitable division of labor way. It helps us build a harmonious society. 总之,男性角色的转变是自然的发展。这并没有意味着任何的不公平,而是更恰当的分工。有助于我们建立和谐社会。