英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于大学英语作文:我对换工作跳槽的看法 My View on Job-Hopping的资料,希望对你有所帮助!
1. 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为……。 2. 有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为……。 3. 我的看法。 我对跳槽的看法 My View on Job-Hopping Many people are inclined to do one job in their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are superficial and tactless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert. 许多人喜好终身从事一种工作。他们看来,经常更换职业的人浅薄,不老练。他们认为成功之道是终守一职,因为在自己的业务领域中反复实践有助于成才。 But there are still many people who don't agree. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Every change is a step to further success. This idea may be. the reason why they change their jobs so often. 但是,也有许多人不同意以上观点,他们认为变更就是进步。如果你不满意目前的工作,当然你有权力换一个更具挑战性的,待遇更好的工作。每一次更换就会向着更加成功迈进一步。这种观点也许是他们不断更换职业的原因。 For my part, I think it reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it. Only in this way, can you get the true joy of achieving your goal. 就我而言,我认为若有更好的机会,更换一下职业是合情合理的。但是,一日找到一份你能展示你的才干的职业,就该专心致志把它做好。只有如此,你才能真正享受到取得成就的欢乐。大学英语作文 大学英文作文