where there still exists the last remnant of a villageof red men, which has long supplied the neighboringisland of Nantucket with many of her most daringharpooneers.
In the fishery, they usually go by the generic name of Gay-Headers.
Tashtego's long, lean, sable hair, his high cheek bones, and black rounding eyes-for an Indian,Oriental in their largeness,
but Antarctic in their glittering expression-all this sufficiently proclaimed him an inheritor ofthe unvitiated blood of those proud warrior hunters, who, in quest of the great New Englandmoose, had scoured, bow in hand, the aboriginal forests of the main.
But no longer snuffing in the trail of the wild beasts of the woodland, Tashtego now hunted inthe wake of the great whales of the sea;
the unerring harpoon of the son fitly replacing the infallible arrow of the sires.
To look at the tawny brawn of his lithe snaky limbs, you would almost have credited thesuperstitions of some of the earlier Puritans and half-believed this wild Indian to be a son of thePrince of the Powers of the Air.
Tashtego was Stubb the second mate's squire.
Third among the harpooneers was Daggoo, a gigantic, coal-black negro-savage, with a lion-liketread--an Ahasuerus to behold.
Suspended from his ears were two golden hoops, so large that the sailors called them ringbolts,and would talk of securing the top-sail halyards to them.