Our productivity is absolutely as good as any steelmill in Europe or America.
我们的生产能力也非常棒 比起欧美的任何钢厂都不逊色
Carnegie's steel empire is expanding at astaggering rate.
卡内基钢铁帝国 正以惊人的速度在扩张
In just two years, profits have doubled.
两年间 利润就翻了一番
Right this way, Sir,and I'll show you the rest.
这边 先生我再给你看看别的
By ramping up production,Carnegie and Frick are able to use the proceeds to buy competitorsthroughout Ohio and Pennsylvania.
通过增加产量 卡内基和弗里克将得到的收入 用于收购俄亥俄和宾夕法尼亚的竞争者
Carnegie demonstrated that if you're the first at whatever you do,you have a huge advantageover the people who come along later because you've got the jump on them
卡内基证明了 如果你是第一个涉足某行业的人 你在行业中将具有后来者无法取得的优势 这是因为你抢在他们之前动手了
and very often that jump allows you to carve a niche and to maximize your profits within thatniche.
这种先发优势让你能够拥有特殊地位 让你能够通过这个地位最大化利润
Carnegie's personal fortune is skyrocketing.
His net worth is now upwards of $3.5 billion in today's money.
His decision to hire Henry Frick looks like a stroke of genius.
Through intimidation and fear Frick re-negotiates favorable contracts with suppliers.
通过恫吓与威胁 弗里克从供应商那里 得到了更为有利的价格
And eliminated unnecessary expenses......while upping production.