好运 尼古拉
Thank you, Mr. Westinghouse.
谢谢 威斯汀豪斯先生
Ladies and gentlemen,please welcome the newwizard of electricity,Nikola Tesla!
女士们先生们 请大家欢迎电的新魔术师 尼古拉·特斯拉
My first demonstration is for those amongst you who fear that AC and high voltage will makethe world unsafe.
Tesla travels the country,showing AC pulsing through him.
特斯拉的足迹踏遍全国 演示交流电从他体内穿过
The successful demonstrations have orders for Westinghouse power stations pouring in.
People who understood the science of electricity realized that Tesla was a new giant,and asignificant rival.
理解电科学的人认识到特斯拉是一颗新的巨星 也是一个伟大的对手
J.P. Morgan suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar position.
I thought you didn't have any competition.
None that are worthy of note.
I have just seen the drawings and descriptions of an electrical machine lately patented by Mr.Tesla,which will revolutionize the world's electrical business.
我刚看到了很多描述和报道讲的都是特斯拉先生最新注册专利的发电机 说它将会为世界电力行业带来革命
AC has a very high voltage, and is lethal.
交流电电压很高 而且致命
A young boy touched a straggling wire and was killed instantly.
You, sir. You have DC running through your home.
先生 你家里走的就是直流电
None of your family are at risk.
Edison, I see that the electrical industry has two competing systems right now: AC and DC.
爱迪生 我很清楚 电力行业现在有两种相互竞争的系统:交流和直流
This world has room for only one of 'em.
J.P. Morgan is staking everything on Thomas Edison.
But as the battle to electrify the nation heats up,the pressure Morgan puts on Edison sendshim down a dark path.
但随着国内供电战役的白热化 摩根对爱迪生施加的压力让他步入了灰暗的前路