摩根的新电气公司 通用电气 立刻成为了全球最具影响力的公司 估值五千万美元 折算成今天的美元 超过十亿
With Edison out of the way, Morgan converts the company to A.C. electricity.
没了爱迪生的阻碍 摩根让公司转向交流电
The standard that's still used today.
这一标准 直到现在还在使用
With General Electric, you could tell they were building a big company and something that wasreally going to change the world.
通用电气 他们建立起的毫无疑问是一家大公司 这家公司必将改变世界
They were really trying to position it in the marketplace as a significant, lasting company.
他们将公司定位为一家在市场上具有重要影响力 可以持续发展的公司
General Electric will go on to become one of America's biggest corporations.
The players change, the stakes change, but the essence of the game stays the same.
参与者变了 利益关系变了 但游戏的本质却没有变
Whether it's understanding who it is that you have to kind of massage, who it is you gottaknock on the head, who it is you have to buy off to do this. That's the game.
无论你要处理的是谁 你要打垮的是谁 你要收买谁来做这个 游戏就是这样
With the creation of G.E. J.P. Morgan has consolidated the electric industry.
通过通用电气的建立 J·P·摩根巩固了电力行业
Just like he did with the railroads. And Wall Street.
It's a move he learned from his father.
A move J.P. Morgan has now made his own.
There's always a reason why you can't do something, but if deep inside you it's what you wantvery badly, you take chances, you measure opportunity and get where you want to go.
你做不了什么 总是有理由的 但如果你内心深处很想做到某件事 你就会冒风险 衡量机遇 去做你想做的事
J.P. Morgan joins Rockefeller and Carnegie as one of the most powerful men in the country.
J·P·摩根加入到了洛克菲勒和卡内基的行列 成为全国最有影响力的人之一
But Morgan's rapid rise to the top makes him hungrier than ever.
而快速的崛起让摩根 比以往任何时候都更渴望
And as his power grows.....his rivals are forced to adjust.
随着他权力的增长 他的对手们被迫进行调整