A train derailment yesterday in this town just south of the capital, Brussels (布鲁塞尔), killed one passenger and hurt more than two dozen, some seriously, The officials said the cause of the derailment was being looked into.
1. The accident happened in ______.
A. Holland B. Beigium C. France D. Germany
2. According to the passage ______.
A. the accident was caused by the fact that on passenger was killed
B. the officials announced the cause of the accident
C. why the derailment happened was obvious
D. the cause of the accident was yet to be found out
3. The underlined word derailment in this passage probably means _______.
A. a train going off the rail B. two trains running into each other
C. a train fire D. a train running over a passenger
4. The news tells us that ______ passengers suffered from the accident.
A. 20 B. 24 C. more than a score of D. no more than twenty-one
5. The derailment happened ______.
A. on March 13th, 1994 B. on March 12th, 1994
C. quite often D. more terrible than it was reported
答案:1B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 B