I wish Hollywood would make fewer movies, and concentrate on movies with a really good story, like my favorite movie is a movie called "Wall street" and it just has a fantastic story. Another movie I really liked was "The Paper" and also "Field of Dreams" and both these movies have really good stories and almost no special effects, so I think that we don't need so many special effects in movies. And my last thing, my last complaint about movies, is that, or Hollywood, that they stop only using beautiful people. Every time you see a movie, or movie stars, it's always really beautiful people, but in reality most of us, definitely myself, we're not beautiful. Most people look average so why don't they just use actors and actresses that look average. I'm sure that there are many, many really good actors and actresses that just aren't beautiful and they would do a fantastic job in a movie and it would be a really good story, compelling story, but they don't get the role because they're not beautiful and they're not young, and I just think that's kind of sad. I know that movies are the way they are because they are geared towards younger people, but I think there's a lot of older people, like myself, I'm 35, who would like to see more movies with good stories, less violence, less special effects, good writing, and people that look average like everybody else.