AZUZ: You know you own a big cat when people see your pet sitting at the window inside your house and they still call animal control. That`s because Spock, his name is Spock, he weighs 27 pounds and he`s almost four feet long.
Spock is a Maine Coon, one of the largest breeds of house cat. He`s big enough and smart enough to open doors and he tends to break stuff. So, the whole house has to be Spock-proof.
Of course, his size alone is enough to catapult him into the meows, assuming he doesn`t Spock anyone away. In a word, he`s humangous, cat-lossal, meow-numental, paw-digious.
And though we cat to go from meow, we hope you claw your way back tomorrow for more CNN STUDENT NEWS.
AZUZ: You know you own a big cat when people see your pet sitting at the window inside your house and they still call animal control. That`s because Spock, his name is Spock, he weighs 27 pounds and he`s almost four feet long.
Spock is a Maine Coon, one of the largest breeds of house cat. He`s big enough and smart enough to open doors and he tends to break stuff. So, the whole house has to be Spock-proof.
Of course, his size alone is enough to catapult him into the meows, assuming he doesn`t Spock anyone away. In a word, he`s humangous, cat-lossal, meow-numental, paw-digious.
And though we cat to go from meow, we hope you claw your way back tomorrow for more CNN STUDENT NEWS.