What are you looking for, Damon.That is myconcern.
你在找什么 达蒙 不关你的事
No, but putting Elena in harm's way,That is myconcern.
的确 但是让埃琳娜身处险境 就关我的事了
What are you talking about?I'm talking about Aatlanta.
你说什么呢 我在说亚特兰大的事
Oh, yeah. Elena and I had a blast.I get it.
是啊 我和埃琳娜狂欢去了 我明白了
You're just bitter because one of us gets to be with the person that we love,
你不过是内心苦痛 因为只有我可以跟自己所爱的人在一起
And poor Katherine is just out of reach.
I guess there isn't another way to get to that tomb.
Is that what Bree said?You're pathetic when you're fishing.
布瑞是这么说的吗 你竟想套我的话 真是可悲
You're transparent when you're deflecting.Don't you have school?Surprised? It's a goodessay.
你却是欲盖弥彰 原形毕露 你不去上学吗 惊讶吗 论文写得不错
Your thoughts are clear, and your argument is well laid out.It's just uh... You don't actually
思路清晰 论证展开得也很充分 只是 你不会真的相信
Think there are vampires in Mystic Falls.
No. I mean, I think statistically there's been More animal attacks, mysterious deaths, uh,
不 我是说 从统计数据来看 的确有越来越多的动物袭击 离奇死亡
People gone missing, more than any other place in the whole commonwealth of Virginia.
以及人口失踪 小镇上此类事件的数量 比弗吉尼亚州的其他地区都要多
It's conjecture,but creative, which is why you got the "A."
真是大胆的推测 不过很有创见 所以我给了你A
I just wouldn't get too,caught up in the whole conspiracy theory of it all.
但我可不会对这种 吸血鬼阴谋论太过着迷
Ah, I won't.Oh, uh, Jeremy,The source that you cited For the 1860s info,uh,Jonathan Gilbert.
我也不会的 对了 杰里米 你的资料来源中写到的 19世纪60年代的 乔纳森·吉尔伯特
Uh, my ancestor's journal?I'd really like to see it sometime.Really?
我祖先的日志吗 有机会的话我想看一看 真的吗
A first-person account of the civil war? That's like, uh,porn for a history teacher.
内战时期第一人称视角的记述 那简直是 历史老师的最爱
You think my essay is creative,wait till you get a load of this thing.Thank you.
你觉得我的文章有创见 那看过这个你会做何感想呢 谢谢